
students watchin one student balance books on a shelf

student showing his longhouse project

robot cars

student granola bar packaging projects

St. Mary’s Makerspace, opened in September 2018, is a tech-friendly design-centered learning space that fosters creativity, engagement, collaboration, and communication in an environment that reinforces concepts of STREAM in Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, and Math. These exciting concepts are accomplished through the use of hands-on and project-based application of the engineering process.

Appropriately named The HIVE for Hands-on, Innovation, Vision, and Exploration, it is available to all teachers and all students for project- based learning (PBL), problem-solving and design activities. The Hive includes innovative equipment such as a 3-D Printer, Cubelets [robotic cubes], K’NEX, Little Bits sets, Hummingbird sets, Squishy Circuits, and Makey-Makey kits. Students also have access to the LEGO wall, Padcaster iPad production studio with green screen, Claytoon clay projects, cameras and many other hands-on Makerspace tools.

two seated students making a marble maze

boy displaying his longhouse project

child building with wooden blocks